Wednesday, December 31, 2014


I was thinking about how ridiculously inconsistent I am with posting here.. when I thought, I am consistent with my inconsistent-ness which then makes me consistent. Now I feel better. This is going to be one of those cliché posts about the new year. If that sounds like hell then take a walk right now cause I'm about to get all up into all the usual new year shit ;-)
An old and great friend laughs at me every year, because every year I have to make this PSA. Since I haven't done so on this particular platform before, here it is: The phrase is 'Happy New Year.' We're getting one year, people, not two. Stop saying 'Happy New YearS.' Sure, when you say 'what are you doing for the New Year's Eve?' you're fine. Cause get it, it's the new year's eve. It's possessive. It works. To just say 'Happy New Years' is so, so fucking aggravating. You're welcome. Not that you asked for it.
I've been keeping the following list going at my desk for about a week now. I'm sure every single item is on everybody else's list but I'm going to guess we all probably need a little change for the better. So rock on to all you other similar list people.
1. Blog More
I know, I know.. that phrase is in every single post I make. But the thing is, there are an incredible amount of days I'd love to use this as a creative outlet. I think to myself, 'if I could just sit down and devote half an hour.' My time gets taken up by homework, work, the dog, the boyfriend, the friends, the family and I never quite get to that little bit of time for letting some of this jazz out amongst the world.
  • I'd like to blog more about food. Stephen and I plan our weekends around what we're going to make next. It's an outlet for us and a great team building exercise. We make weird stuff, like eggplant pizza and we make homey yummy stuff, like biscuits with homemade gravy. It's fun, it's silly, and I want to document more of it.
  • I'd like to blog more about my dog. How nuts is that? Pretty freaking nuts. She's a lot like my child, I want to document that. I'd like to do a little feature once a month or so.
  • I'd like to blog more about my friends. Reflections on old times, thoughts about the future, etc. So many of my friends are like my family and I wouldn't be who I am without them. So, here's to you.. when the time for your post comes.
2. Complain Less
Do you ever get to work and the first thing you do is go in a tizzy of complaining? You don't? Come to work with me one day, that's exactly what I do. It's so hard to break old habits, but this is one I'd like to work on. I have a sign above my desk that reads 'not my circus, not my monkeys.' This is something I need to keep tucked in my back pocket to remember when things out of my control are eating away at me.
3. Start a Side Business
I haven't the slightest idea yet as to what to sell.. but once I graduate (hellooooooo May!), I'd like to invest some time into a craft of some sort, grab a booth at a local shop, and make good use of my time. Sarah and I have talked for years of doing this, we're going to put our ideas to use this year!
4. Camp More
To broaden that, be outside more. Discover nature more. Do more than just get a tan in the summer, cause I don't actually tan that well. Take Stella for hikes and to the dog park. Tube on the back of the boat more. Enjoy youth and nature exponentially more than I have thus far in my life.
Now, ladies and gentlemen (do men read blogs?!), the most cliché of cliché things for a new year resolution...
5. Eat Better, Exercise More
What makes this point different for me is that in no other set of new year goals has this ever been listed for me. I was never interested in doing this. It's hard to ignore the fact that eating and exercise play a tremendous role in our health that I've been ignoring too long. My goal for the year is a 5k. Sarah and I will hopefully get the first one down around April or May and then continue from there. Here's to hoping focusing on me makes the rest fall into place.
There are things from this past year that I'd like to leave behind, to not give the light of day to anymore. Here's to leaving that behind and the following helping me realize that: 'Whatever happened over this past year, be thankful for where it brought you. Where you are is where you're meant to be.'
Per the usual, here is a photo dump for those who hate to read :-)